File Your Camp Lejeune Toxic Water Exposure Claim Now !

Time Is Running Out

Did You Live Or Work At (Or Near) Camp Lejeune In North Carolina Between August 1953 and December 1987?

Were you diagnosed with or experienced any of the following after living or working at Camp Lejeune?

Look We Get It !

You’re trying to make ends meet.

You’re having a hard time at work because of your service-caused disabilities. You’re trying to support your family and it’s getting more difficult every day. You can’t do the things you want to do because you don’t have financial security.
And all of this is because you were injured from the toxic water while living or working at Camp Lejune, NC.

Deep down, you know you should file a claim. Yet, something is keeping you from it.

Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown. What will it cost? Will I be able to prove my case? Is it even worth my time? Or you’ve heard stories of other people who filed lawsuits and got almost nothing for their efforts. Why bother? And what if you lose? You don’t want to get your hopes built up just to have them come crashing down if you lose the case.

If you’re a veteran, maybe you fear that you could you lose your VA benefits if you win the Camp Lejune lawsuit, making things worse.

And the lawyers. They’re just money grubbing and trying to make money off your pain and disabilities. Or so you’ve been told. And it’s hard to find someone you can trust. There’s a lot of noise, false promises, and half-truths out there. Or maybe you just don’t know whether you qualify and, if you do, how and where to start?

It’s easier to do nothing, right?

But you’re here. Something in your soul is nagging at you to make your claim. Ultimately, you’re here because you need help, and you don’t know where to start or what to do. You’re overwhelmed, frustrated, or confused. You’re scared to make a mistake. You don’t even know where to start. You want someone to help you get the benefits you were promised and deserve.

You want to find help from someone you can trust.

Don’t feel bad. You’re not alone.

Litigation – especially suing the federal government – is complicated. And scary. And overwhelming. And there is a lot of bad, confusing, or conflicting information out there. You don’t know who to trust or believe.

It’s normal to feel the way you do. And it’s not your fault.

It’s likely no one told you how to file your claim, what disabilities to claim on your application form, or what evidence the government requires to prove the claim. And almost certainly no one told you all the rules of how to win. And, if you do win, what you could get.

And that’s why you’re here.

We can help.

We aren’t an ordinary law firm.

Vetus Legal™ is owned by a service-disabled Veteran.

So, we get it.
But we can’t help everyone. And we only have a limited number of appointments weekly with our consultation team, where we can evaluate your situation to see if you may qualify. If so, we can help you get started.

If you don’t act now, time will continue to slip by – and that’s time wasted when you could be taking a small, but powerful, step to make your life better. To get the benefits you deserve.

We can’t help you if you don’t contact us.

Take a small step to make a powerful change in your life.

Let us help you get the benefits you and your family deserve for your exposure to the toxic Camp Lejeune water.
Even if you don’t talk to us, talk to someone who can help.

REMEMBER: You must file your claim by August 10, 2024.  If you don’t, you’ll lose out on those benefits – forever.